Native Gardens of Blue Hill
Dec 13, 2017
Giving Thanks
At the time of year when we reflect on the bounty of summer, we would like to thank all who have generously donated to our progress. This...

Catherine Rees
May 15, 2017
Early Bloomers
The first signs of spring have arrived and the show of wildflower blossoms has begun. On a recent warm day after the first week of May I...

Native Gardens of Blue Hill
Mar 7, 2017
The Garden in Winter
Winter is a time when gardeners take a break from outdoor activities as dictated by the weather. It may appear frozen for months on end...

Native Gardens of Blue Hill
Nov 11, 2016
Soil Building at the Bagaduce Music Lending Library
Eight of us gathered on this unseasonably warm fall day in the Teaching Garden – the area between South Street and the ranch house at the...

Native Gardens of Blue Hill
Nov 4, 2016
Planting At Our Mainescape Garden Site
Early November is the end of the season at Mainescape, and we were given the opportunity to glean from the remaining unsold native plants...