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As we look forward to our fourth year, we would like to share what we have accomplished with the help of many community volunteers. 

maintained our relationship as a project site for the University of Maine Cooperative Extension Master Gardener Volunteer program

hosted 42 educational workshops/workdays resulting in 1280 community volunteer hours spent creating gardens


built two accessible bridges through support of a Maine Community Foundation grant

cleared 400' of trail for the accessible section of our trail system

began construction of patio garden; site of the Summerhouse (information hut) and beginning of accessible trail

led a Downeast Colloquy entitled, New Trends in Sustainable Landscape Design

gave numerous public talks in Hancock and Waldo Counties

Seed Sowing Workshop

Seed Sowing Workshop

Garden club presentation

Garden club presentation

Library Slope Planting Plan

Library Slope Planting Plan

building the library slope

building the library slope

building the library slope

building the library slope

defining shrub areas on slope

defining shrub areas on slope

Volunteers in the garden

Volunteers in the garden

Autumn bloom

Autumn bloom

steps to staff entrance

steps to staff entrance

Planting grey birch

Planting grey birch

Cleaning up the woods edge

Cleaning up the woods edge

Re-shaping ground for better drainag

Re-shaping ground for better drainag

Planting in front of Performance Hal

Planting in front of Performance Hal

Performance Hall 2nd year

Performance Hall 2nd year

Planting in Woodland Hollow

Planting in Woodland Hollow

Prepping a garden bed

Prepping a garden bed

Woodland path at Performance Hall

Woodland path at Performance Hall

Break time in the garden

Break time in the garden

our nursery beds full of plants

our nursery beds full of plants

Trail building

Trail building

First accessible bridge

First accessible bridge

Patrick Chassé lecture

Patrick Chassé lecture

This unique community project fosters innovative thought and gardening practice.  


Help us continue this work.

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